*There are about 96,000 km of blood vessels in our body.
*Man breaths 13-17 times /mt.on an average 21,600 times /day.
*Alimentary system is a 9.14-meter long tube. Small intestine is 6.096-meter length.
*Total number of bones in our body-206
.longest bone –femur/thigh bone
.smallest bone –stapes in the ear
*In the human body there are 639 muscles, which also account for 40% of the total body
*The fastest nerve impulse travels at 532 kmph.
*Humans can detect 10,000 colors, 500 different tastes and 1500 different tones.
*Stomach produces 2 liters of Hcl acid/day.
*The brain: the 1.36kg organ stores 100 trillion bits of information over the course of 70 years, equal to 500,000 sets of the encyclopedia.
.It can work better than any computer.
.Neurons is the longest cells in our body.
*Largest organ in the body: The skin
*Organs that you can do without:-Tonsils and appendix.
*Body’s instant energy provider: The liver.
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