Sunday, June 17, 2012


                                           2nd BRAIN IN THE HEART
Heart is an amazing organ. In an average life time it beats around 2.5 billion times and pumps 2000 gallons of blood per day roughly. It is the universal symbol of love.
Far more than a simple pump, as was once believed, the heart is now recognised by its own functional “BRAIN”.
Heart is the “intelligent force”behind the intuitive thoughts and feelings we all experience. In many cultures throughout history, heart has been considered the source of emotion, passion and wisdom. Also people used to feel that they experienced the feeling or sensation of love and other emotional states in the area of the heart. They used to mention the common quote-:
“My mind tells me to give, but my heart won’t let me”
What does the BIBLE say about the heart?
The word HEART is mentioned about 700 times in the BIBLE. It signifies a person’s will or desires. According to the Bible, a person’s heart reveals his true nature and motivation.
     BHAGAVAD –GITA says-
“I am the supersoul, situated within the heart of all living beings; I am the origin, the middle, and the end of all living beings” (lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.20)
According to ISLAM, a clean heart means, “the heart of one that is pious, pure and free of sin, transgressions, hatred and Hasad (jealousy)”.
How & why the heart affects mental activity & emotional balance?
The heart is seen as the connection between the mind and the body, forming a bridge bn the two.
The heart communicates with the brain and the rest of the body in 3 ways.
1) Neurologically (thro’ transmission of nerve impulse)
2) Biochemically (thro’hormones and neurotransmitters)
3) Biophysically (thro’pressure waves)
In addition (4) thro’ electromagnetic field interaction)
Recently scientists discovered that, the heart has its own independent nervous system-complex system referred to as the brain in the heart.

Dr.J.Andrew Armour in 1991, described the complex circuit in the heart contains around 40,000 neurons, called sensory neurites.information from the heart including feeling sensation is sent to the brain thro’ several afferents. These afferent Ns enter the brain at the area of medulla and into the higher centers of brain where they influence perception, decision making and other cognitive process.
In addition to extensive neurological interactions with the brain and body, the heart also communicates with the brain and body biochemically, by way of the hormones it produces.
A hormone ANF(Atrial natriuretic factor) was isolated, in addition a cell type known as ICA-Intrinsic cardiac Adrenergic cell releases Nor epinephrine and dopamine. Heart also secretes oxytocin (love or bonding hormone)-in addition to its function in child birth and lactation, also involved in cognition,tolerance,adaptation,sexual and maternal behaviour, learning social cues.
With every beat the heart generates a powerful pressure wave that travels rapidly thro’out the arteries must faster than the actual flow of blood. These waves of pressure create what we feel as pulse. The pressure waves can modulate brain activity and affect vital processes even at the cellular level.
Research has also revealed that the heart communicates information to the brain and body via electromagnetic field. The heart’s magnetic component is about 500 times stronger than brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers. They have also found that one person’s brain waves can synchronize another person’s heart.
Not only a pumping machine.....also has a brain:
There are also new data suggesting that both heart and brain are involved in intuitive perception. Even more surprising was that the heart receives this intuitive information before the brain.
Heart begins to beat even before the brain is formed (in uterus), so it appears that heart truly holds primary status as the initiator of human life.
Is it better to listen to your heart or brain?
Follow your heart when making a decision about love or relationship. (But take your BRAIN with you)
Follow your brain during career planning, education or financial situations.

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