Tuesday, June 16, 2020

spinal cord tracts-Questions

Spinal cord tracts- Qs[ 1-15]

1. The lateral cortico spinal tract extends laterally to the surface of the spinal cord.

Ans: True.It is a crossed motor tract also.

2. The vestibulo spinal tract is a major crossed tract from the opposite vestibular nuclei.

Ans: False. Is uncrossed. It synapses on ipsilateral motor neurons and internuncials.

3. Reticulospinal fibers are scattered throughout the anterior white columns.

Ans: True.

4. The lateral spinothalamic tract carries crude touch and pressure.

Ans: False. Pain and temperature.

5. The spinocerebellar tracts convey impulses from Golgi tendon organs.

Ans: True. Also carry impulses from muscle spindles and other proprioceptors.

6. Spinal transection is much more serious in the thoraco lumbar than in the cervical cord.

Ans: False. A lesion above C3 can cause respiratory arrest as well as quadriplegia.

7. Flexor somatic reflexes are the 1st to return after spinal shock.

Ans: Autonomic reflexes are the 1st to return.

8. Whiplash injury is almost certainly a psychological entity.

Ans: False.results from an acute hyperextension injury to the neck.

9. There is ipsilateral retention of pain and temperature in lateral hemi section of the cord.

Ans: True.

10. Tabes dorsalis is associated with degeneration of the dorsal root ganglion cell and its processes.

Ans: False. Ganglion cells are remarkably unaffected. Degeneration occurs in the dorsal root proximal to the ganglion cell, especially in dorsal and lumbo sacral regions.

11. In spinal shock there is suppression of micturition reflex.

Ans: True.

12. In corticospinal tract 3% of fibres have a large diameter of about 16 microns.

Ans: True.

13. Corticospinal tract mainly supplies distal group of muscles.

Ans: True.

14. Brown-sequard syndrome results on sectioning brainstem at midcollicular level.

Ans: False. On hemi section of spinal cord.

15. In Brown –sequard syndrome there is upper motor neuron type of paralysis on the same side below the level of section.

Ans: True.

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