Monday, December 29, 2008


Best Wishes For a Happy and Prosperous New Year2009

Monday, December 8, 2008



Animal testing has long been considered the gold standard for environmental toxicology, but animal testing takes a long time and entails the death of animals to acquire data. Even more, the results cannot always extrapolate to humans.
In order to reduce the number of animals used in experiments without jeopardizing medical research the FRAME-(Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) laboratory will try to grow human tissue cultures in which drugs can be tested.

Using Biochips instead of Animals for Testing-
A new biochip technology could vastly reduce animal testing in the cosmetics and other chemical industries ,as well as reduce its use in the development of new pharmaceuticals.when biochips are used together the result is promising and affordable alternative to animal based toxicology screening and a direct route to developing safe, effective drugs.  
Thus, the research team views the combined chips as an efficient, more accurate way to test drug compounds for human toxicity earlier in the discovery process.
A biochip is a collection of miniaturized test sites (micro arrays) arranged on a solid substrate that permits many tests to be performed at the same time in order to achieve higher out put and speed.
(Micro array-the dense 2 dimensional grid of biosensors is the critical component of a biochip platform.)
A biochip is made up of more than 1000 human cell cultures suspended in a special 3-dimensional gel and utilized on a slide to be viewed under the microscope; an individual cell culture can investigate if a special chemical is toxic to humans.
Typically, a biochip surface area is no larger than a fingernail. Like a computer chip that can perform millions of mathematical operation in one second, a biochip can perform thousands of biological reaction. Such as decoding genes, in a few seconds.
Extending the use of a biochip-
Even more exciting news about the biochip is that scientists can add in other kinds of cells. In this way, a researcher could add in a lung cell for instance, which would thus check if the chemical is toxic to lungs. This new technology now allows for scientist to asses the toxicity of a chemical on multiple organs, rather than just skin alone.  
Positive steps to reduce animal testing-
While this new biochips is not yet a complete replacement for animal testing. It is an exciting and positive step in the right direction for the chemical industry and pharmaceutical .ultimately; it pulls us a bit closer to finding a way to replace animals in laboratory testing. Biochips also carry other benefits such as reasonable cost rapid output and of course, it does not require the use of animals for testing.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

SMOKING-a heart-breaking habit

SMOKING-a heart- breaking habit


Smokers put themselves at higher risk for everything from asthma to cancer to heartdisease.Far more serious is the fact that when tobacco is burned (it reaches 925 c at the glowing tip of a lit cigarette),it is broken down into its chemical elements from which lethal chemical compounds are created. The period between puffs allows time for ammonia,acetone,formaldehyde,hydrogen cyanide, and some 4000 other chemicals to become irritants,poisons,mutagens,nerve gases and more than 40 types of carcinogens. In addition, since these chemicals are released into the air, they affect other people present as well.

Among the most devastating effects are those to the heart. In addition to increasing blood pressure and heart rate, many of the chemicals in tobacco also raise ‘bad’-LDL cholesterol while decreasing ‘good’-HDL cholesterol. At the same time, they constrict the blood vessels, decreasing blood flow and oxygen to all of the organs, particularly the heart. Chemical residue damages the arteries, making the blood stickier. This increases the risk of blood clots and dramatically raises the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Increases the risk of infertility in both men and women. If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol and you smoke, you are putting yourself at very high risk of a heart attack.

The hazards do not end with heart disease and cancer .Because smoking impairs the body’s ability to keep the lungs clear, it contributes to such respiratory illness as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema. It also increases the risk of hipfracture, peptic ulcers, cataracts, and premature mental decline.

*Each year 390,000 Americans die from the effects of smoking.
*cigarette smokers have more than twice the risk of heart attack.
*cigarette smokers have 2 to 4 times the chance of cardiac arrest.
*giving up smoking rapidly reduces the risk of heart disease.
If you smoke, quit .if you do not smoke, do not start.
Avoid long-term exposure to smoke and protect children from it.

There are approximately 4000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Many of them are toxic and affects from the functioning of organs to efficiency of body’s immune system.
The three main ingredients of cigarette smoke are,
Nicotine, carbonmonoxide, tar.
Nicotine: highly addictive, reaches the brain in less than 10 seconds it has been found in every part of the body and in breast milk.
Corbonmonoxide: Tasteless, odorless and poisonous gas taken up quickly by the blood stream &impairs breathing. It binds to Hb in RBC preventing affected cells from carrying a full load of o2.
Tar: carcinogenic, around 70% of tar is deposited in the smoker’s lung. It is also responsible for the yellow-brown staining of smoker’s fingers and teeth.
Other harmful chemicals-
Acetone, ammonia, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, and formaldehyde.

Immediate effects:
*initial stimulation then reduction in brain and nervous system activity.
*mild euphoria.
*Enhanced alertness and concentration
*Feeling of relaxation
*Decreased blood flow to fingers and toes
*dizziness, nausea, acid in the stomach
*decrease appetide, taste and smell
Death due to cancer, heart diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Passive-second hand smoke-environmental tobacco smoke
-can cause a number of health problems including heart diseases, lung cancer and irritation of eyes and nose.

Tolerance and dependence-
People who use tobacco tend to develop a tolerance to the effect of nicotine very quickly. This means they need to smoke more and more in order to get the same effect. Dependence on nicotine can be physiological, psychological or both.

If a person suddenly stops smoking or reduce the amount they use, they will experience withdrawal because their body has to readjust to functioning without the drug. Most of the symptoms will disappear within days or weeks of quitting smoking, but craving may persist for years after stopping using tobacco.
Symptoms include craving, irritability, agitation, depression and anxiety,
Insomnia and disturbed sleep pattern, increased appetite and weight gain, restlessness, loss of concentration, headache, sorethroat body ache and stomach upset.

Effect of smoking on serum lipid and lipoprotein:
Smoking is accepted as a major risk factor for ischemic heart disease (IHD), hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.certain components (nicotine and co)have been reported to be responsible for the development of ischemic heart disease by increasing the plasma catecholamine and producing hypoxia. On the other hand smoking alter plasma lipoprotein levels increases the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation. Smoking stimulates the oxidation of LDL particles producing significant increase of triglycerides-TG and decrease of HDL cholesterol. (HDL is known to be an important protective factor for ischemic heart disease.

Smoking produces adverse effects on lipid profile and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Reverse cholesterol transport-is an antiatherogenic process. (Excess cholesterol is transported from peripheral tissue back to liver or to other peripheral tissue that in need cholesterol.)
LCAT-Lecithin cholesterol acetyl transferase a key factor in esterification of plasma cholesterol and reverse cholesterol transport.
Smoking-*increases serum levels of TG, LDL.
*decreases serum HDL
*decreases LCAT activity.
Chronic smoking results in systemic oxidants-antioxidants imbalance as reflected by increased products of lipid peroxidation and decreased levels of antioxidants like vit-a&c.inflamatory response as confirmed by increased c-reactive protein,(CRP), fibrinogen,interleukin,increased WBC count have been reported.
*First 3 or 4 days of being smoke –free are the toughest. If you can get through the 1st week without cigarette, your chances of quitting forever are good.
*to distract ,choose a substitute, such as sugar free chewing gum or candy,whistling,singing,chewing on carrot-sticks or sucking a lollipop.
*the first blast of nicotine in the morning increases energy and alertness. To achieve this state, try a round of morning exercises. Then concentrate on music, meditation or yoga.
Many cigarette manufacturers have introduced ‘low tar’, and ‘low nicotine’ version. HOWEVER, ARE THEY REALLY SAFER?-NO. In addition, do not forget that ‘additive free’ cigarette still have addictive nicotine and cancer causing tar.
Ironically, cigarettes made prior to 1950nwere so harsh tasting that smokers inhaled less, which actually reduced their risk.


Saturday, May 31, 2008



*There is no greater peace than that of a pure mind.

*Nowhere will you be able to find peace unless you have peace in your heart.

The mother

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Fascinating veggie facts.

Vegetarianism is a term originated from Latin word “vegetare” which means “to grow”, the word vegetarian was made popular by the vegetarian society at Rams gate England in 1847.Vegetarianism is a practice of diet that includes plant based foods and no flesh from animals. Plant based foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans &grains. Animal fleshes are fowl, fish, pork, beef&any kind of animal meat. Many vegetarians do consume some animal derived products like eggs, milk cheese and other dairy products. Those who consume a pure diet of plant-based foods are called ‘vegans”

People become vegetarians for many reasons, these may include religious reasons, health, economic, fad, or moral (against the killing of animals) reasons.

Varieties of vegetarianism

There is variety of different practices of vegetarianism. Here are some of the most common.
1. Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism-includes dairy, eggs and honey in the food and no meat including fish poultry.

2. Lacto-vegetarianism-includes dairy and honey but no eggs and meat including fish poultry.

3. Ovo-vegetarianism-includes eggs and honey but no dairy and meat including fish poultry.

4. Vegans-No meat including fish poultry, eggs, dairy and honey. (Consume only plant based foods)

Other dietary practices-
*Fruitarians-is a diet of only fruit, nuts, seeds, &other plant matter that can be gathered without harming the plant.

*Macrobiotic-whole grain&beans (some consume fish)

*Raw vegans-fresh uncooked fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables.

# Semi vegetarianism-a diet in which the only animal flesh consumed is seafood and/or poultry in limited amounts.

*Pescetarianism-the only animals consumed are fish or other seafood.

*Pollotarianism-the only animals consumed are fowl &poultry

#Flexitarianism-a diet that consists primarily of vegan food, but that allows occasional exceptions.

An increasing number of studies point to the health benefits of a plant-based diet, which may reduce the risk of several chronic diseases. Research has also shown that vegetarians are less prone to many other illnesses, including heart diseases,stroke,type2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and possibly kidney stones, gall stones, and osteoporosis.
Vegetarianism is the fastest growing trend in the developed world. Vegetarians are fitter than meat eaters are. Many of the world’s most successful athletes are vegetarians.

Fascinating facts:
*Just under a quarter of the world’s population has a mainly vegetarian diet.
*Vegetarians from the animal kingdom include the elephant, rhinoceros&gorilla.
*Baked beans are packed full of protein.

What are the possible benefits of a vegetarian diet?
It is difficult to generalize about the benefits and risks of the vegetarian diet. However, vegetarianism is considered a healthy, viable alternative diet. Vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein as well as higher levels of CHO, fiber, mg, k, folate&antioxidants such as vitC, E&phytochemicals.

Nature’s wonder foods-
Vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps promote normal bowel function, prevent diverticulosis, and lower high cholesterol levels. Fiber may even help prevent colon cancer. Vegetables are also excellent sources of vitaminC.
Folic acid is found in many vegetables but it is plentiful in dark, leafy greens, such as spinach.
The various pigments that make vegetables colorful also make them healthful. Dark, leafy greens such as spinach are rich in lutein, a pigment linked with cancer; yellow, orange, and red vegetables are good sources of carotenoids, pigments that may ward off heart diseases and cancers. They also prevent blindness by lowering the risk of macular degeneration. Tomatoes-especially cooked ones are rich in lycopene, another carotenoid linked to reduced risk of cancer and heart disease. Vegetables in the cabbage family contain isothiocyanates, which stimulate the body to detoxify potential carcinogens. Onions, leeks and garlic are rich in sulfur compounds that protect against both cancer and heart disease.Phthalides, found in celery and parsnips, have also shown cancer-protective properties.

Measurable benefits of vegetarianism
*Reduced risk of many cancers, especially stomach, esophagus, mouth, lung.throat, endometrial, pancreatic and colon cancer.
*lower blood pressure
*prevent stroke
*reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

An apple a day: you know it is a wholesome snack, but can it really keep the doctor away? Yes.people who eats apples frequently is less likely to have heart attacks or strokes or to develop any of several kinds of cancers. The pectin, a soluble fiber found just beneath the skin reduces cholesterol. Fruits are also good sources of flavonoids as well as vitamins and minerals. Most fruits are low in sodium and high in potassium-a winning combination that lowers the risk of high blood pressure.
The health benefits found in vegetarians may not be solely due to diet. Lifestyle habits other than diet, such as exercise, religious practices, smoking&alcohol can also influence health.

What are the possible problems with vegetarian diets?
Plant food proteins are not as high quality as meat, dairy or egg proteins. Plant food contains less of Essential Amino Acids (building blocks of protein) necessary for the body to make complete protein. However, a plant-based diet still provides enough quality proteins if a mixture of plant food be eaten.

It may be more difficult for vegetarians to get enough iron because the iron from plant foods is not as well absorbed as iron from meat. In addition, iron absorption is inhibited by fiber, phylates (in cereals) &oxalates (in green leafy vegetables) which may be more abundant in vegetarian diets. However, the iron from plants can be better absorbed if a some of vitC is eaten at the same time.
Vegans may have difficulty in getting enough vit B12 if they do not take supplements or eat foods fortified with vitB12.
Vitamin D may be lacking in the diets of some vegetarians especially vegans, because most of the VitD is from fortified milk dairy products. We can get vit-D from sunlight on our skin. Vegans should be careful to get vitB12, D, &iron.
The vegetarian society says that some 4million people in Britain are vegetarians.

Some famous veggies&vegans.
*Albert Einstein
*Bryans Adams
*Leonardo da vinci
*Drew Barry more.

Sunday, March 9, 2008



Clues across
1. A violent tropical storm (7)
9. A small sealed bag or packet containing a small quantity of something (6)
10. A baby’s bed on rockers (6)
11. Four (5)
13. close to the center (5)
14. Gradually destroy (5)
16. The part at the rear of the animal (4)
17. A pair of small hand drums used in Indian music (5)
18. A mischievous child (3)
19. Word element; inflammation (4)
20. Morbid condition due to presence and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in blood (10)
25. A genus of fungus sometimes infecting man (8)

Clues down
1. Inflamation of the bladder (8)
2. The basic unit of money of Japan (3)
3. Honour or praise (6)
4. The nickname for a gold statuette given as an academy award (5)
5. A drug, which produces sleep or stupor (8)
6. Tail less (8)
7. A place of evil and suffering where wicked people are sent after death (4)
8. Incompleteness; imperfection due to failure to develop completely (6)
10. A powered road vehicle (3)
12. Calcified tissue of ectodermic origin covering the crown of a tooth (6)
15. The sweet, dark brown fruit of a palm tree of North Africa and western Asia (4)
20. Nervous or timid in the company of others (3)
21. An involuntary, spasmodic contraction of muscle fibers (3)
22. Not in good health (3)
23. Emergency care service (3)
24. Part of a body (3)

Dr.Arthur C.Guyton,M.D. 1919-2003

Arthur C.Guyton was a giant in the field of physiology and medicine,,a master teacher,and an inspiring role model throughout the world.


Saturday, February 9, 2008


Never search your happiness in others

Which will make you to feel alone,

Search it in yourself,

You will be happy even

When you are left alone.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


1. The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. (5)

4. Differentiation of gametes. (6)

8. Word element of ileum. (4)

10. The star_ central body of the solar system. (3)

11. To break up a ray of light into its component parts. (8)

13. Excess of nitrogen in the blood (8)

15. A police official (3)

17. A small oscillation on the pulse wave caused when the aortic valve snaps. (8)

19. American paediatric society. (3)

21. Abnormal absence or reduction of muscular movements (8)

24. Containing two atoms (8)

26. Word element (Greek) away from, separated. (3)

27. Abbreviation for menorrhagia without an obvious primary cause. (3)

29. Trademark for preparation of Amobarbital. (6)

30. An enzyme that catalyses the removal of group of atoms from the substrate. (5)

1. Difficulty in breathing (7)

2. Inflammation of gastric cellular tissue. (7)

3. A disease that is currently a major worldwide problem that affects the T helper cells. (4)

5. The hospital night sister is now_____ (3)

6. Large size of. (5)

7. The match is ______to begin (3)

9. Used in cooking (3)

12. A kind of vase (3)

14. A registered trade mark. (3)

15. Husk, bark used as a stimulant cathartic (dried bark of Rhamnus purshiana). (7)

16. A thickening of the ectoderm marking the site of future development in the early embryo of the organ of special sense. (7)
18.The colour of blood.(3)

20. A transparent usual triangular body used for decomposing light into spectrum. (5)

22. Four times a day. (3)

23. Word element (L) of eye. (4)

24. Carry the genetic message. (3)

25. An edge or margin (3)

28.______all means do not tell a lie. (2)