Friday, November 6, 2020

General physiology Qs


21. The permeability of lipid soluble particle is proportional to their

A) Molecular size

B) Molecular shape

C) Molecular charge

D) Lipid solubility

Ans: D

22.Michaelis-Menten –Kinetics means

A) Movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration

B) Osmotic kinetics

C) Saturation kinetics

D) Solvent drag

Ans: C


Saturation kinetics occurs in facilitated diffusion where the rate of diffusion rises as the concentration gradient increases until all the binding sites on the carrier proteins are utilized. At this point the rate of

diffusion can no longer rise with increasing particles concentration.

23. Colligative property of solution depends upon

A) the molecular weight of the substance

B) the size and shape of the substance

C) the ratio of the number of solute to the number of solvent molecules

D) the charge of the molecule

Ans: C

24. Transcrption means

A) DNA replication

B) Convertion of m-RNA to protein

C) formation of nucleosome

D) DNA sequence is copied into RNA for gene expression

Ans: D

25.Na+ - K+ ATPase

A) transport 3K + out of the cell in exchange of 2Na + into the cell

B) transport 3Na + out of the cell in exchange of 2K + into the cell

C) transport 2Na +out of the cell in exchange of 2K  + into the cell

D)  transport 1Na +out of the cell in exchange of 1K  +into the cell

Ans: B

26. Apoptosis means

A) Formation of new cells

B) Phagocytosis

C) Programmed cell death

D) Cell death due to an acute injury

Ans: C

27.Na+  - K+ ATP ase pumping activity increases approximately in

A) proportion to the 3rd power of intracellular K+ concentration

B) Proportion to the 3rd power of intracellular Na+ concentration

C)  Proportion to the 4rth power of intracellular K+ concentration

D)   Proportion to the 4rth power of intracellular Na+ concentration

Ans: B

28. Absolute refractory period for large myelinated nerve fiber is about

A) 1/25 sec

B)1/250 sec


D)1/2500 sec

Ans: D

29. Local circuit of current flow in myelinated nerve fiber occurs in

A) thick myelin sheath

B) one node of Ranvier to next

C) insulated regions

D) Schwann cell

Ans: B

30. maximum strength of contraction occurs when the sarcomere length is

A) 2.2µm




Ans: A

Explanation: At 2.2µm length, there is optimal degree of overlapping and greater force development.

At greater lengths, the actin filament has pulled out to the end of myosin. So, no actin-myosin overlap. Decreased length decreases the force of contraction, because the 2 Z discs of the sarcomere abut the ends of myosin filaments



diffusion can no longer rise with increasing particles concentration.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

General physiology Qs


11. The electro chemical driving force [Vm-Ex] for K+ is

A) Fairly close to zero or somewhat positive

B) Always strongly negative

C) Moderately negative

D) Strongly positive

Ans: A

Explanation: since it is fairly close to zero or somewhat positive, the K is either at equilibrium or tends to move out of the cell.

12. The electro chemical driving force [Vm-Ex] for Na+ is

A) Strongly positive

B) Strongly negative

C) Moderately positive

D) Zero

Ans: B

Explanation: since it is negative, inward net driving force favours passive movement of Na into cell.

13. The electro chemical driving force [Vm-Ex] for Ca+ is

A) Strongly positive

B) Moderately positive

C) Strongly negative

D) Zero

Ans: C

Explanation: since it is strongly negative, Ca tends to move into the cell.

14. Platelet count in women is

A) 10% higher than men

B) 20% higher than men

C) 30% higher than men

D) 40% higher than men

Ans: B

15. Which of the following properties regarding Action potential is wrong?

A) Doesn’t obey All or None law

B) Self propagating

C) Increasing the stimulus further has no effect on Action potential size or shape

D) Sub threshold stimulus do not elicit any change

Ans: A

16. Slow twitch or Type I fibres are found in high proportions in

A) Postural muscles of the back

B) Calf muscle

C) Extra ocular muscle

D) Foot

Ans: A

17. Type II-A Fast oxidative fibres are found in high proportions in

A) extra ocular muscle

B) Soleus in the calf

C) Postural muscles of back

D) Foot

Ans: B

18. Type II –B Fast glycolytic fibres are found in high proportions in


B) Postural muscles of back

C) Extra ocular muscles

D) Foot

Ans: C

19. Myoglobin is absent in

A) Type-B-Fast glycolytic fibres

B) Type II-A

C) Fast oxidative

D) Type I fibres

Ans: A

20. The lipid molecules of a cell membrane

A) have hydrophilic polar region at one end & hydrophobic hydrocarbon at the other end

B)  have hydrophilic Polar Regions on both ends

C) have hydrophobic hydrocarbon on both ends

D) have lipophilic on both ends

Ans: A