Saturday, July 25, 2020

Basal ganglia-MCQs

1. Tremor of Parkinson’s disease is
a. an involuntary tremor
b. an intention tremor
c. pill rolling type
d. a+c is correct
Ans: d. Ganong 26thed, pg-241, Guyton 11th ed, pg -711

2. Wilson’s disease is also called as
a. Huntington disease
b.Hepatolenticular degeneration
Ans: b.Ganong 26th Pg-241

3. Parkinsonism is seen as a complication of treatment with

Ans: b.Ganong26th Pg-243

4. Which of the following statements is false?
a.Nigrostriatal pathway is the most severely affected in Parkinson’s disease [PD].
b.MAO inhibitors are useful in the treatment of PD.
c.Lewy bodies are inclusion bodies occur in PD
d.clasp-knife rigidity is a characteristic feature of PD.
Ans: d.Guyton -pg-115, Ganong, pg-243.

5. The characteristic gait in PD is called
a.circumduction gait
b.waddling gait
c.festinant gait/shuffling
d.drunken gait
Ans: c. Indu khurana, pg-962

6. Which of the following statements is correct?
a.SN PC releases dopamine to excite GpE
b.SN PR releases dopamine to inhibit striatum.
c.SN PC releases dopamine to inhibit striatum.
Ans: c. Ganong, pg-239

7. Which of the following statements is correct?
A.Subthalamic nucleus releases Glutamate to inhibit GpI
b.subthalamic nucleus releases Glutamate to excite GpI.
c.GpE releases Glutamate to excite striatum.
Ans: b. Ganong, pg-239

8. The caudate circuit is essential for
a. Motor coordination of fine movement
b.cognitive control of sequence motor pattern
c.motor coordination of crude movement
d.none of the above
Ans: b.Guyton, pg-709

9. The dopamine pathway in BG is predominantly from
a. Caudate to putamen
b.cortex to caudate
C. Gp to Sub Th
d. SN to caudate
Ans: d.Guyton, 709, Ganong, pg-239

10. Mutations of proteins found in Lewy bodies are
A.Frataxin and ataxin
b.synuclein and parkin
c.DM protein kinase
Ans: b.Ganong, pg-242

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