Friday, May 15, 2020

reflexes Qs 11-20

11. Muscle spindles are inverse stretch receptors.
Ans: False. Stretch receptors. Golgi tendons are inverse stretch receptors.

12. Muscle spindle contains 2 types of sensory endings
Ans: True.

13. Annulospiral endings supply both nuclear bag and nuclear chain fifers.
Ans: True.

14. Flower spray endings supply only nuclear chain fibers.
Ans: True.

15. Dynamic stretch reflex Occurs due to slow stretch on the muscle
Ans: False.sudden stretch causes dynamic and slow stretch causes static response.

16. Alpha Gamma activation keeps the muscle spindle sensitive during muscle contraction.
Ans: True.

17. Alpha Gamma co activation causes contraction of only extrafusal fibers.
Ans: False. Causes contraction of both extra and intrafusal fibers simultaneously.

18. Stretch reflex helps in the maintenance of muscle tone and posture.
Ans: True.

19. Receptors for withdrawal reflex are pain receptors.

Ans: True.

20. Central portion of Intrafusal fibers contains actin and myosin.

Ans: False .

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