Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tips to overcome covid-19 related stress

Tips to overcome covid19 related stress

Hi all,
Hope you are keeping safe and well. Now during this pandemic, it becomes more important to maintain  mental health to reduce stress. Negative thoughts and worries are not going to solve our problems. Here are some ways to overcome stress
·         Exercise: now it is a big task, because Gyms are closed, walking outside is not often possible. But exercising at home, even cleaning the house is a form of exercise .physical activity enhances the release of endorphins which keeps stress away without negative thoughts.
·         Eat healthy nutritious food.
·         Get enough sleep and rest.
·         Help others.
·         Limit exposure to news media –stay informed but avoid obsessive checking.
·         Practice meditation, read a good book, play indoor games, watch movies, make something :new recipe, painting ,craft etc.
·         Follow all the precautions from health authorities-like washing hands frequently [20 sec] with soap and water or a hand sanitizer [contains 70% alcohol], avoid touching your face [nose, eyes and mouth], avoid crowds, stay home, use masks,and keep 6 feet social distance.

                                Good luck and best wishes.

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